Ep 117: Big Bet and the Worst K-Drama Ever

[Spoiler Alert] Grace calls season 1 of Big Bet (Disney+, 2022-2023) starring Choi Min-sik, Son Suk-ku and Lee Dong-hwi written and directed by Kang Yoon-sung “the worst K-drama” she’s ever seen in her entire life. Grace goes off about how much she hates Disney+ productions of K-dramas which hog all the good actors but put them in terrible shows made by inexperienced filmmakers who don’t have a sense of TV pacing. Disney+ and Kang Yoon-sung’s greatest offense when creating Big Bet is making a series that lacks heart. It lacks everything that makes a good K-drama like moving storytelling, romance, compelling characters, high emotional stakes, a TV rhythm, and a female K-drama screenwriter whose written at least fifty TV scripts already. Big Bet also lied to Grace by declaring Son Suk-ku a featured actor on the series but only shows up starting the very tail end of episode 5, and she has a few thoughts on that. Grace also discusses the importance of mourning community lives that get lost then buried without any loved ones or kin. Follow @KDramaSchool on Instagram, Twitter and TikTok. Visit https://www.kdramaschool.com/ to learn more.


Ep 118: City Hall and 650 USD


Ep 116: Juvenile Justice and It Takes a Village to Neglect a Child