Ep 26: Master’s Sun and Allergies with Alexis Bradby

[Spoiler Alert] In this episode of K-Drama School, Grace discusses the show Master’s Sun (2013, SBS). Grace talks about how So Ji-sub tried to emulate Cha Seung-won’s persona from The Greatest Love (2011, MBC) in his role as Joo Joong-won in Master’s Sun but failed. Grace also processes some lousy news she received her alma mater UCLA; although they said they were going to pay for her postproduction costs ($2,000), they told her last minute that they will not. If you’d like to donate to her documentary short film J&S Auto, please go to her GoFundMe page: https://www.gofundme.com/manage/ucla-film-school-screwed-me-so-go-to-usc-instead or visit aechjay.com to learn more. Grace straight up believes you’re better off going to USC for your film degree than UCLA, and her conversation with LA comedian Alexis Bradby (@alexisbradby on Instagram)—a USC alum—will explain why. They discuss dealing with family deaths, the American south, navigating one’s 20s with uncertainty and hope, Euro-trips, VR/AR technology, allergies, takes on joke-writing versus TV-writing, and Alexis’s brilliant idea for a spin-off of Master’s Sun. Follow @KDramaSchool on Instagram, Twitter and TikTok. Visit kdramachool.com to learn more. Next week, we discuss another old school show called All About Eve (2000, MBC).


Grace’s show dates for July are on her website now: https://aechjay.com/2021/06/25/grace-jungs-show-dates-for-july-2021/


Ep 27: All About Eve and the Easy Way with Rachel Abrahams


Ep 25: Thank You and Contrasts with Jackie Monahan