Ep. 66: Thirty-Nine and Sweet Tarts with Neeraj Srinivasan

[Spoiler Alert] In this episode of K-Drama School, Grace discusses the show Thirty-Nine (2022, Netflix) starring Son Ye-jin, Jeon Mi-do and Kim Ji-hyun. Grace’s guest is Los Angeles-based comedian Neeraj Srinivasan (@mynipsdontlieon Instagram). They discuss being on the road, their love for stand-up, trial and error, being self-taught in animation, and overcoming fears when pursuing something new in life. Follow @KDramaSchool on Instagram, Twitter and TikTok. Visit kdramachool.com to learn more.


Ep 67: Twenty-Five Twenty-One and Scorpio x Gemini with Sophia Zolan


Ep. 65: The Silent Sea and Hating Myself with Blake Hammond