Ep 87: Another Miss Oh and Audition as Work with Bruce Baek

Spoiler Alert] In this episode of K-Drama School, Grace discusses the show Another Miss Oh (AKA Another Oh Hae-young) written by Park Hae-young, who also wrote My Mister and My Liberation Notes. Grace sees a consistency in all three of Park’s shows in how they represent the patriarchy, three-sibling dynamics, and women in their 30s and 40s vulnerably expressing their need to be loved. Grace also talks about the chemistry between Seo Hyun-jin and Eric Mun, as well as Eric’s two-decade long K-pop career as a member of SM’s Shinhwa. Grace’s guest is Bruce Baek and they discuss how to get over hatred for auditions, how to cope with disappointment as an actor, how to remain optimistic and brave in the face of art, and spiritual practice for grounding. Follow @KDramaSchool on Instagram, Twitter and TikTok. Visit kdramachool.com to learn more.


Ep 88: Start Up and the Art of Grounding with Joe Biel


Ep 86: Extraordinary Attorney Woo and Taking Notes with Kristen Cunningham