Ep 93: Little Women and Intergenerational War Trauma

[Spoiler Alert] Grace discusses the show Little Women (tvN, 2022) written by Jeong Seo-kyung who frequently collaborates with filmmaker Park Chanwook, co-writing for films like Sympathy for Lady Vengeance, I’m a Cyborg but That’s Ok, Thirst, The Handmaiden and his latest movie Decision to Leave which opens this month in US theaters. Little Women stars Kim Go-eun, Nam Ji-hyun and Park Ji-hu, and the show includes themes of intergenerational trauma revolving around war and parental or national abandonment. Grace discusses the international controversy that Little Women had in Japan and Vietnam. Grace analyzes the show against the book Little Women written by Louisa May Alcott, and how In-ju, In-kyoung and In-hye compare to Alcott’s characters Meg, Jo and Amy March. Grace sees plagiarism in how the screenwriter Jeong Seo-kyung uses a ghost orchid that has hallucinogenic effects which is a concept found in the film Adaptation written by Charlie Kaufman and directed by Spike Jonze. Follow @KDramaSchool on Instagram, Twitter and TikTok. Visit https://www.kdramaschool.com/ to learn more.


Ep 94: The School Nurse Files and 16 mm Dream with Nalini Sharma


Ep 92: Run On and Cosmic Yoko-Onian Cure with MariNaomi